Gastien: The Cost of the Dream
Book One of the Gastien Series
by Caddy Rowland
Character Guest Post by Gastien Beauchamp
I hate to admit it, but I’m scared. I might be almost
eighteen, and I might have been beaten many times by my father growing up, but
this is much, much worse. When I ran from the farm a few weeks ago, I thought
things would get better. How hard could it be to find a serving job in a
restaurant? Even a job cleaning slop in the kitchen would be fine. I figured
all I needed was enough money for one bowl of soup a day and a humble room. The
rest of the wages would be spent on painting supplies.
You see, I left because I want to become an artist; perhaps
the greatest artist to ever live. I know that sounds ridiculous. I’m a peasant
farm kid. Well, you haven’t seen me draw! I can draw like nobody’s business,
and I’ve done some watercolor. I just need to learn how to use oils.
I was full of optimism when I left home. I believed once I
found a job there would be plenty of artists around to teach me the basics. I’m
not shy, so I would simply ask.
The problem is I haven’t found a job. I’ve pounded on the
door of every cafĂ© and restaurant around. No one is hiring. I guess I’m a few
months late. All of the jobs for slop cleaners have been taken for the season
by students at the art school. Plus, serving jobs require experience. Who knew?
How hard could it be to carry out a plate? I’ve even tried other businesses,
but no one will hire me. There’s absolutely nothing until spring, and I can’t
go back home. My father has vowed to kill me if I ever return.
One thing’s for sure: this city is heartless. My father used
to tell me so, but I didn’t believe him. Now I do. So far, the best thing I’ve
had happen to me is having someone unknowingly empty the contents of their
chamber pot on my head as I walked underneath their window. That’s not saying
I’m hiding out in Notre Dame at night. I’ve avoided sleeping
in the alleys, but I’m not stupid. It’s just a question of time before they
find me and kick me out. Once they do, I’ll be on the streets. I’ve seen the
tramps in the back alleys digging in trash bins for food. I’ve witnessed a man
getting stabbed for his coat. And my sweet face? It isn’t going to be an asset
when I have to face the men in those alleys.
Right now I sell charcoal drawings for a few centimes. Most
days I earn enough to eat a bowl of soup. However, once I’m completely
homeless, it won’t take long for me to look and smell so awful that no one will
come near enough to sell them a drawing! What will I do then? I am already
hungry; soon I’ll be sleeping on the cold ground. I don’t know how I’ll survive
when it gets below freezing.
Still, I believe in my dream. I’ve known since I was a small
child that I have no choice. I was born to paint. There has to be a way! I will
not only survive these cruel streets of Paris, I will eventually have my own
studio. I don’t care if people say peasants never own property. I will. It
doesn’t matter what it takes; I’m going to make my dream come true.
will stop me.
Absolutely nothing.
Still, I have to tell you, I‘m scared. Damn scared.
When young Gastien Beauchamp flees the farm for Paris, the
late nineteenth century bohemian era is in full swing. Color has always called
to him, beseeching him to capture it on canvas and show people a new way of
seeing things. His father belittled his dream of being an artist and tried to
beat him into giving it up. The dream wouldn’t die, but Gastien would have had
he not left.
He also yearns to become a great lover. After the years of
anguish he has endured at the hand of his father, it would be heaven to feel
pleasure instead of pain.
However, the city of Paris has a ruthless agenda. Unless a
man has money and connections, Paris unfeelingly crushes dreams and destroys
souls. With neither of the required assets, Gastien faces living in alleys,
digging in trash bins for food, and sleeping where a man is often killed for
his threadbare blanket.
Left with only his dreams, Gastien stubbornly pushes on. He
vows that absolutely nothing will stop him, not yet realizing what keeping that
vow might mean.
Sometimes the "impossible" is possible - but the
cost can be extremely high.
This historical fiction novel is book 1 of a 5 book
drama/family saga for adults (The Gastien Series). As such, it contains adult themes and graphic
Each book can stand on its own, but is most compelling read in order.
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Author Biography:

She lives with her husband, who was her high school
sweetheart. They are owned by two parrots. Besides being a writer, she is an
artist. One can often find her “makin’ love to the color” (painting) with loud
music blaring.
Her goal as an author is to make readers laugh, cry, think,
and become intimately connected with her main characters. She writes dramatic
novels showcasing the sublime joy and bitter tragedy of being human. [from the
author's Amazon page]
Author Links:
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Come back tomorrow for more...
thanks for posting this original and cool guest-post. Emma
ReplyDeleteThanks for having me on your blog!
ReplyDeletei so love this....thank you Ms. series ever!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat an interesting idea to have a character post. I really enjoyed reading this post and I must find out more about Caddy Rowland's books now.
ReplyDeletelooking forward to your review, you said it would be up on Friday.